My Happy Place: Day 19

Today’s Happy Place: Family Dance Party

And when I say family, I mean more than just my family! As I revealed in Happy Place Day 5, spending time with friends makes me happy, makes my whole family happy. Today we hosted a potluck and just had a wonderful, easy time hanging with all the toddlers and adults new and old to our lives. Especially when you can hang around people who share some of your lifestyle or values, there is a relieved relaxation that happens. Plus, good food always thrills me, and tonight did not disappoint.

More than anything, though, the impromptu family dance party was my favorite part of the whole night — warmed my heart to melting. [Soundtrack for the get down: Leana Song — local Philly Afro-Cuban/Orisha/Reggae group] I was going to post some footage, but it is too dark. You’ll just have to believe me that four children getting their parents to stand up and dance is the sweetest thing!

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